Monday, August 22, 2022

The Suit Absolutely Sold Out (30)

NOW FOR SALE! The last issue of THE SUIT, 48 pages of ORIGIN & FINALE.  BUY BUY BUY with confidence dear readers, here! at a low low price!Issue #30 of THE SUIT, a superhero of the workplace finally gets his Origin story and finale, all wrapped up in one Issue. Born from a HardDrawn Comics Webcomic, The Suit fights to change things from the inside, but when the nefarious Board are set to shut down his department, Gary Garb will go to any length to protect his friends who just so happen to be his coworkers! Picking up from where #29 left off, The Suit is an empty shell, and only one thing, courageous Franny Freitag, can snap him out of it!